
Author Archives: Canada Auto Experts

Payday loans

Payday Loans: Pros and Cons

Relying on Payday Loans with Bad Credit Score It seems like when Canadians are struggling financially, they lean towards Payday Loans for sane…
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Car Loan

Back to School Car Loans for Students

Plan for the Future - Car Loan and Credit Scores It's the middle of August and we all know what that means —…
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Mortgage Application

No Credit Score? No Mortgage For You!

Mortgage Rejection Are you making over $75,000 a year with no debts, but are having a hard time getting approved for a mortgage?…
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Car Refinance

Should I Refinance or Trade In My Car?

Refinancing or trade-in are the most popular options available to car owners who want to change their current car loan duration, monthly payments,…
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