Chance to Win $500 Cash
Simply leave us a review for a chance to win.

We appreciate you choosing Canada Auto Experts for your Auto Solutions. Our team is dedicated to making sure that you received good service and were offered a great deal. If you purchased a vehicle, congratulations on your new purchase! And as an appreciation for our service, we would like to offer you a chance to win some cold hard cash.
Simply review our service by following the instructions below. We will pick winners each quarter of the year, and the winner will be contacted by email.
Please show and tell the world about the deal you were offered and automatically be entered into a draw for a chance to
WIN $500 CASH!

If you Purchased a New Car:
Please leave a review on our Facebook page, as well as a photo of you and your new car, and you will be entered into a $500 draw.
- Click on the link below.
- Click on the Reviews tab. Then on the left side of the page, click Yes to recommend, then write your review and Post.
- After posting, comment under your review with an attached photo of you and your new car.
If you are Still in the Process:
Click on the link below to leave a review on google to tell us about your great experience and you will be entered into a $500 draw.
- Click on the link below.
- Rate your experience with us by clicking the amount of stars you think we deserve.
- Write a review about your experience with us and click POST. Please make sure your full name is in the review.