Canada Auto Blog

Daily tips on car loans and credit score

Free Credit Report Canada

Repair Your Credit Easily

Several Canadians have less than perfect credit. This write-up does not provide you a magical solution to all your debt and credit woes. However, the financial decisions that you make right now will discern the state of your credit in…
Pay off debt fast

Recover Your Credit From A Late Payment

The effect of a late payment on your credit score is based on several factors. Creditors assess late payments depending on three things: how much the missed payment was, how recent it took place and how frequently you miss payments.…
Benefits of an all-wheel drive in Canada

Is An All-Wheel Drive Good For You?

What are the pros and cons of an all-wheel drive in Canada? Have you been thinking about getting an all-wheel drive in Canada? Several individuals assume that this type of car, which simultaneously injects power to each wheel, means more…
Couple signing up for an indirect loan

Direct and Indirect Loans in Canada

Borrowing funds for a car can rapidly become a convoluted financing web if you’re not aware where to begin. Obtaining an auto loan may seem lengthy, but learning the initial details of it could make your life a lot easier.…
Lease Takeover in Canada

Get Yourself Out of Car Loan

There are several reasons why someone might want to get out of their car loan earlier than expected. Whether your loan payments are surpassing your budget, or the vehicle no longer aligns with your needs as a driver, life situations…
Negotiating with Car Dealer

Save Money on Car Insurance

Having car insurance in Canada is an absolutely necessary if you own a vehicle. Based on the cost of accidents, theft and other automobile related losses, insurance provides drivers with a safety-net in case of an accident on the road.…