Step 1. Do The Research
Discern exactly who is selling vehicles to yours in your region. You need to know exactly what’s out there for competition. So if you’re selling a mid-model 2017 Honda Civic, you want to know every Honda Civic between 2016-2018 that is for sale in a 100KM radius. This can easily be done through searches online in Craigslist, UsedEverywhere, Kijiji or similar.
Find the selling price of these vehicles and KMs and anything else that might make them appealing to customers.
Step 2. Pricing
Be sure your vehicle is priced competitively. If the average price of the vehicles for sale is $11000 and your asking $13,000 no one will ever purchase your vehicle. Ignore what you paid for it, or what a layman tells you it’s worth – the market dictates the price. If your neighbor thinks it’s worth $13,000 maybe he’ll buy it?
Step 3. Presentation
Have your vehicle be the cleanest anyone goes to look at. You can spend $100 on a detail and you will perhaps get $200-500 more for your vehicle and sell it quicker. People shopping for a car unfairly have the tendency of devaluing dirty vehicles.
Step 4. Advertise
Take some of the best photos you’ve ever clicked. Present it from the front, the back, the side, and everywhere in between. Celebrate it’s perfection and embrace it’s demerits. That means if there is a small scratch on the back take a picture of it and mention in it in the ad. Wording such as “This is a small scratch on the front bumper – I was going to pay $200 and get it fixed and charge $200 more for the vehicle, but the next buyer can decide if he wants to fix it or would rather save the money”.
This does two things – lets them know ahead of time, so there are no last-minute objections when they come look at the car, and gives them the idea that they’re saving money instead of buying a damaged vehicle.
Write a descriptive article about your vehicle and mention everything great about it for options etc.
Step. 5 Close the Sale
When someone comes to look at your vehicle – if you’ve stated everything that is right and wrong about it, they should only be coming to test drive it and buy it. People usually don’t want to shop for a vehicle for weeks, and months and years.
“Are you ready to buy it?”
Seems simple, but it can be tough to ask for someone’s money. You don’t have to feel like you’re forcing someone. Know your time is worth something and you want to do them a favor and stop their shopping — let them get on to better things like enjoying your used vehicle!
Canada Auto Experts can help you trade off your used vehicle for something that will fit your lifestyle way better. Call 1-855-550-5565 to talk to one of our credit specialists to help you achieve good credit by trading your old vehicle in.
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