Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get an auto loan even when you have bad credit. Surely you’ll have to take a few more steps than someone with a good score, but it’s still attainable. Here are a few suggestions to buy a vehicle regardless of your credit situation.
Take the Time to Check and Improve your Credit
As redundant as this sounds, this step is crucial. Check your credit to see what’s your situation and keep an eye for any errors along the way. If you find one, contact a credit bureau right away. Credit mistakes can be anything from data-entry inaccuracy to you having someone else’s score just because you have similar names.
If everything seems okay and you only need a credit improvement, contact us. Our Financial Specialists will help you decide on a plan that will help your situation. Improve your credit score by paying your bills on time and reducing your debt as much as possible. Even if you only boost your score by 20 to 30 points, you’ll still increase your chances of getting a loan. Also, you’ll get loans with a better interest rate.
Pre- Qualify for a Loan
Bad credit doesn’t mean that you can’t pre-qualify for a car loan. If you can’t get approval through a bank, you can still consider a credit union. Banks are for-profit, so they are picky about the people that they lend money to. However, credit unions are non-profit organizations. This means that they are more willing to lend to someone who has inferior credit.
Canada Auto Experts will get you pre-approved for auto financing regardless of your financial situation. We will work with you to get the car you want with the lowest interest rates at an affordable price range.
Come up with a Down Payment
The more money you can put for a down payment, the higher your chances of getting approved for a bad credit auto loan. This also helps you get a lower monthly payment. Additionally, the interest rates on your loan will be a lot lower, so you’ll save money in the long run. Making a larger down payment shows the Canadian lender that you will be able to afford the monthly payments even with a low credit score.
Whether you’re searching for cheap car financing options or you need help from bad credit auto lenders, we’re here to ensure that you receive fair financing. We will also go above and beyond to help you drive the car of your dreams. Apply now through our secure application or give us a call at 1-855-550-5565 to start driving today.
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