
Author Archives: Canada Auto Experts

Getting a Car Loan after a Consumer Proposal

Getting A Car Loan After A Consumer Proposal

Opting for a consumer proposal is a debt-relief option for those that have debt exceeding $250,000. Unlike bankruptcy, when an individual cannot make…
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Car Refinance

Ways to Pay off Your Car Loan Faster

Statistics Canada states that the average Canadian owes $1.50 for every dollar of disposable income. Debt, the contract involving lenders and borrowers, is…
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Top 5 Fuel Efficient Vehicles in Canada

Top 5 Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

What are the top 5 fuel-efficient vehicles? If you are looking to buy a new vehicle, and fuel consumption is an important consideration…
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In-House Financing in Canada

What is In-house financing?

What is In-House Financing? With in-house financing, the auto dealership personally lends the money for you to buy the vehicle. Many Canadians misconceive…
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