
Author Archives: Canada Auto Experts

Vehicle Repossession in Canada

Get A Car Loan With Bad Credit After Repossession

Stats Canada proves that the average Canadian has approximately $1.68 of credit debt for every dollar of income. High debt to income ratio…
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What are Smart Cars?

What are Smart Cars and Intelligent Cars?

For over half a century, cars have been aligning with our technological advancements, and breakthrough electronics are appearing as a key feature in…
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Car Insurance Rate in Canada

Car Insurance Across Canada and the Differences

How are Car Insurance Compared Across Canada? While getting a car loan is typically an important part of purchasing a car, it is…
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Financing vs Leasing in Canada

Leasing vs Financing: What is Best For You?

Statistics Canada says that the average Canadian invests 20 per cent of their income towards an auto loan every year. Financing a car…
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